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Our Goals and Mission

Goals are statements that establish the desired future, an Organization is attempting to achieve. We believe that pre-determined goals enables to describe future results towards which present efforts are directed. Through the unconditional efforts of the employees of Krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra for National development, it shall be well established that our goals shall serve as guidelines for action, directing and channeling employee efforts. Our goals shall provide parameters for strategic planning, allocating resources and identifying development opportunities. We shall prove that our goals will act as a source of legitimacy by justifying our organization’s activities and existence, our goals shall define standards of performance and a source of motivation.

A mission is the key tool that can be as important as our planning, as mission reflects every facet of our planning and the range and nature of our service we offer is to capitalize on our sustained interest of eradicating poverty from our Nation by making people (Rural as well as Urban) skilled to create innovative solutions and make informed choices to improve their lives and to get motivated and encouraged to achieve their own personal and professional fulfillments.

Krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra
Implementing Agency & AMP; Service Provider of National 20 Point Programme
(An Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises)
Government of India